Wednesday, June 1, 2011

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  • Nuck81
    Oct 11, 09:19 AM
    I spent many an our as a kid standing around this cabinet as a player and a watcher.

    I hope it turns out better than Turtles in Time. and I'm sure it will be $15. Maybe The Simpsons will be next!!

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  • apfhex
    Nov 14, 02:43 PM
    4. packing sardines even tighter allowing more seats (I hope this will not come to pass).
    I'd be happy with your 6 other points if it meant cheaper ticket prices (the food in coach isn't worth any amount of money!!!). But if they squeeze those seats any closer together, it will make it physically impossible for me (and anyone else over 6 ft) to fit in them. It's already pretty much a fracking health hazard (damned if blood is going to flow through my legs when they're so crammed up against the seat in front of me, hah :D).

    Hey airlines, while your doing the wiring, how about installing those empower jacks at the same time.

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  • IPPlanMan
    Mar 23, 04:44 PM
    Nick Justice sounds like Nick Fury's cousin! :D

    This brings "There's an app for that" to a whole new level... Go Army!:cool:

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  • Watabou
    Apr 30, 05:09 PM
    *sigh* Okay I give up.


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  • kdarling
    Mar 24, 02:26 PM
    As someone already pointed out, the Army currently uses iPods with translation programs in the field.

    The advantage is that they're comparatively cheap, and young soldiers already know the basics of using them.

    It's also been mentioned that the Army could use them to display videos of local leaders asking people to cooperate, etc. Plus remote control of robots, etc.

    As for visiting Apple, who knows. Usually the military finds a third party company to modify units, but in this case they could be checking to see if Apple was willing to build a bunch for less.

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  • KentuckyApple
    Jul 6, 01:47 AM
    It is possible, but I would not recomend it if you are at all impatient. If you can, just burn her data onto CDs. Windows 98 has pretty poor networking and it is also very slow. There is a utility called DAVE by Thursby software that will help you. I believe they have an evaluation version that works for a month (long enough for you to do your job). Also, you will need a hub or a crossover ethernet cable.


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  • Analog Kid
    Nov 22, 10:50 AM
    Hold up! 9% is and Ideal Carnot Engine efficiency. Real World efficiecny would be about 1/5. So, at most you are going to get 1.8W and thats if the fans dissipate 100W of heat which is ridiculously high number. I would see it around 20W, meaning your recycled energy would be .37W. What can you do with that? Oh right power partially a fan.
    Sorry, where is this other .2 multiplier coming from? The scenario given was 9% conversion efficiency which would be 50% of the the ideal heat engine efficiency of 18% conversion efficiency.

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  • philitup23
    Jan 7, 08:47 AM
    Why do only some of the profile pics from facebook transfer over to my phone and not all of them? Where's the differentiation between the ones that transfer and the ones that dont?


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  • JackAxe
    Apr 6, 02:05 PM
    I already have portable wii...... that is until I expel it ;)

    I expect it's been expelled by now, but won't make any further inquires about it. :p

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  • Consultant
    Apr 21, 01:01 PM
    Could these be Apples baby-steps into the console Market?

    That would be the iPad 2, which can already do 1080p gaming.


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  • mcmlxix
    Apr 5, 03:23 PM
    I always question the sanity of people who use laptops this way.

    Color me insane then. Tapping the trackpad is way easier than clicking it, and I don't ever recall making an accidental tap the had any negative impact.

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  • swiftaw
    Nov 14, 09:50 AM
    I fly between Manchester and New Jersey (Newark) a Lot, like 7 or 8 times a year for personal reasons :)

    Me Too!! :)


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  • mpw
    Sep 13, 07:27 AM
    ...I've only had one bad experience w/ general anesthesia, but it was an unusual situation so I don't give it much weight...
    Same here, the only time I had a problem was when they had to keep me under longer than expected because the idiot stand-in denist took the wrong two teeth out realised and went back for the right two!

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  • Detektiv-Pinky
    Apr 12, 02:51 PM
    Hhm, I still see this bug, that applying a custom design in Powerpoint does not change the font of the presentation to the font of the design-template.

    Very annoying!


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  • Azathoth
    Mar 25, 10:21 AM
    They did not avoid digital at all, in fact they were an early entrant to digital. The problem was that they were used to having a lucrative near-monopoly in film, a fat side business in film processing and a nice low-end camera business built around proprietary "connvenience" film packaging. They were now facing aggressive consumer electronics companies who were used to relently feature upgrades and short model lifecycles. Moreover, they could not rely on their film dominance to keep competitors at a disadvantage. In other words, they had to change their business model completely-- from near monopoly to completely competitive-- in order to success in the new business. Only a fraction of companies manage to do this successfully.

    Keep in mind, also, due to the increased competition and lack of a film component, that the opportunity for Kodak in digital was much smaller than their film and related businesses. It's very hard to manage a shrinking company, and even harder if you are also trying to reinvent yourself.

    Not only that - but the fact that there is no film in a digital camera - Kodak is a "film emulsion" company. Professionals never bought Kodak cameras or lenses. There is no "film" in a digital camera. The most natural progression would have been for Kodak to make memory cards.

    Most of the R&D (and they did some great R&D in chemistry, materials and human image perception) were fundementally irrelevant to digital.

    The changes that Kodak would have needed to be relevant were so huge (fire 90% of staff, change the entire core business) that I don't think there was any way they could have been succesful.

    The successful camera companies today fall into one of two camps: 1. well established camera companies. 2. Consumer electronics companies.

    Afga (a film emulsion company): effectively dead.

    Fuji: very limited success (though they almost had their head above water for a while).

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  • MattSepeta
    Apr 14, 03:55 PM
    I wonder why I often see signs like this in stores ...

    Seems to me that I have only seen those signs at places where excessive inebreation by customers could be a problem, ie: bars, some places downtown in the bar district, etc.

    Anyways, if you don't want to sell something to somebody for WHATEVER reason, no matter how ridiculous, shouldn't that be your right?


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  • Sydde
    May 2, 07:32 PM
    If I recall, you said the timing of the burial was very fast.

    I should ask, how long does DNA testing take? I was told in February that it takes between 2-5 days.
    I wonder if that might be "banker's hours"? Send a courier to the lab, lab tech does the test and goes home for the night, reading the results in the morning. Who knows what kind of advanced equipment and tech the military has access to. Fly right to the Kabul lab, start the test, fly to the carrier, proceed under the impression that this is him, with the hosing-down, funeral and dumping. A few hours later, confirmation.

    Though I could be wrong. :)

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  • Macky-Mac
    Apr 12, 08:12 PM
    If people are less likely to use a cashier who is an ethnic minority (which I dispute, but anyway), would that make them less productive and less valuable for their employer?

    So, if it is thought that an ethnic minority would actually do a job worse, because of other people's discrimination, then ethnicity technically would make a difference to their ability to do a job.

    Would this be grounds for not employing them?

    no, that would be discrimination against them because of their race/ethnicity.....the fact that other people also might contribute additional discrimination doesn't negate or justify the employer's racial discrimination

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  • flopticalcube
    May 3, 09:56 AM
    No privatization of UHC but some periphery changes. Conservatives are closet anti-abortionists so things can and will get weird. Damn liberals gave them a majority. :mad:

    I'd much rather the NDP were in charge but ideally all three major parties need to be more centrist, IMO.

    Mar 24, 06:11 AM
    I do wish people in this forum stop referring to 'the military' as though they were some sort of alien life-forms. 'The military' are people, and even if you happen to be in the oh-so-unique moral high ground of opposing war and violence from your comfortable desk, soldiers deserve the best kit we can afford to give them. Ditto for the returning veterans. And their families.

    Nov 11, 11:54 AM
    Even though I didn't know what they were saying, I still got the basic idea and found it humorous. :D

    Jun 20, 06:17 PM
    Off-topic comment, but still related to external storage.

    I received my Mac mini around noon, and I found something the previous (at least the GMA950 Core 2 Duo) model didn't support: USB flash storage works when connected to a side USB port of the aluminium Apple keyboard. My older Mac mini complains about lacking power via that USB port but the new one works just fine!

    I think the amount of power the keyboard can supply depends on what it's plugged into. My Cinema Display powers the keyboard pretty adequately for stuff like that, wonder how a g4 cube would do!

    AJ Muni
    Apr 12, 09:59 AM
    I'm in 3-2 and I havent found it to be difficult what so ever. Some parts require more thinking than others, but its not that bad once you learn to use all your "pixls" wisely...

    May 3, 04:27 PM
    Not all lives are "equal". One life of an important financial worker who perished at WTC might be worth more than 1000 soldiers. That's the order of society. A soldier's life is meant to be sacrificed to protect the worker. Some "warriors" are born to be this way, like army ants. The worker is more important because he makes guns to put into the hands of new soldiers. And of course, as you may have noticed, many of the front line (infantry) consists of would be rejects of society that have been conditioned and given a chance to serve a greater purpose than to become delinquents or menial workers that they would have been. "Unimportant Lives" in the big picture despite what their own families think of them. That's the unwritten rule.

    In history, war is the driver of innovation...from the measly dart, to the nuclear warhead. Whether we will sustain through it to reap the benefits ourselves may be another Nazi Germany where we stole all their world changing innovations after we collapsed them. Although it may bring disgust to some ppl today, Nazi Germany was one of the greatest economic, technological, and war machines ever devised and Adolf Hitler was one of the most influential and greatest men who ever lived...for his people. He just lost so we don't believe in what he tried to establish.

    If there is no war, we would build more capitalistic indulgence crap to make eachother happy and lazy. But in war, we build things that help us survive. Advanced in bomb detection leads to better sensors for medical diagnosis.
    Advances in robots leads to better prosthetics and automating.
    Advances in field portable displays leads to large LED screens for remote surgery.
    Advances in nanotech will potentially change everything we know of as "technology" today.

    Many of the above will assist the "cure for cancer", or whatever it is that scares you to death. If you think that during "peacetime", everyone and their mom will devote their lives to "finding the cure", you are sadly mistaken. Humans are lazy...until their life is immediately threatened. War is why we evolved so far past the next "animal".

    I can see your description of the "order of society". There is some truth there, but due to the perceived value of humans and the efficiency of robots, I believe robots will replace humans on the force end of policy.

    We've had this discussion before but every time you equate human advances to man's selfishness and tendency to kill each other to gain advantage it is thoroughly depressing. No matter how much we enrich ourselves and advance tecnically, we'll be losers until we can realize other motivators to reach a higher level of existence.

    For Your Reference: It was just reported on MSNBC that the U.S.budget has been cut $38B which equals 19 weeks in Afghanistan. Think about what this war is costing us. We can just hand over our social programs to keep the fighting going, no biggy, right?


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